Cameron McGill 

Educator, Poet, Songwriter

Cameron McGill

Augury Books releases audiobook version of In The Night Field


I would like to read some poems to you: in the car, in the bed, the bath, at the kitchen table, on a run, on the couch…really wherever you like to listen to things. I recorded and narrated an audiobook for In the Night Field, and on the one-year anniversary of the paperback’s publication, it’s available today! It’s Augury Books‘s first audiobook release, and we’re super excited. From the publisher:

“To celebrate this endeavor, for a limited time only, we’re knocking 20% off the retail price of $14.95 if you order directly from Augury Books. Listen to a free sample of the author reading his work by clicking “Excerpts.” If you have a preferred app, you can find the audiobook available at Barnes & NobleKoboChirp, along with a variety of other outlets.” (forthcoming on Audible!)

Love and gratitude always to Rodrigo Palma and Charles Koltak for not only recording a new album with me (out this fall 😉 ) but for also recording and engineering the audiobook. A special thanks to composer Dylan Champagne for mixing and mastering the audiobook in Moscow, ID.

As always, I hope my voice doesn’t annoy you. ASMR version not forthcoming.



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